Drop Into Battle With New UNSC & Covenant Packs From Spartan Games

February 9, 2017 by brennon

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Spartan Games continue to grow their Halo: Ground Command range with some new releases for February. These new packs have a sense of tactical mastery about them as your troops drop in from the skies.

UNSC ODST Air Assault Unit

Leading the way we have the UNSC ODST Air Assault Unit which you might remember from Halo: Reach. These soldiers are equipped with jump packs allowing them to move rapidly around the battlefield to secure objectives and deal with threats as they appear.

One such threat might be from the Covenant Elite Ultra Unit which is screaming in via their Drop Pod.

Covenant Elite Ultra Unit

You would fear these warriors as they landed in the video game, armed as they were with some nasty ranged weapons and the dreaded energy sword! The Elites have always looked rather awesome and it would be hard to not side with the Covenant when it came to playing this game.

Painted Elite Ultra Unit

I mean look at them here! They look ultra bad ass! Maybe with the new Halo Wars game coming out, we'll see the Spartan crew expand their collection to include the Brute rebellion, the Banished, led by Atriox? There are lots of new vehicles being thrown into the mix.

What do you think of the game?

"Maybe with the new Halo Wars game coming out, we'll see the Spartan crew expand their collection to include the Brute rebellion, the Banished, led by Atriox?"

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