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How To Paint The Sorcerer Kings’ Impressive Rakshasa Ravanar!


John dives into an in-depth painting tutorial of one of the most impressive Para Bellum Games miniatures in Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings' Sorcerer Kings army. John shows you how to paint the Rakshasa Ravanar and whilst this is a unique miniature, you could use a lot of the techniques here to paint the rest of your Sorcerer Kings army.

Community Spotlight: An Army Worthy Of MY Majesty, Pig Faced Boys & Clan Wren Arrives!

2 years ago 4

Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...

15mm WW2 Typhoon Ground Attack Aircraft Painting Tutorial | Flames Of War


In this painting tutorial, John shows off how to paint a 15mm Typhoon Ground Attack Aircraft from Battlefront Miniatures' World War 2 Historical wargame, Flames Of War. This plane will be doing some tank busting.

Underhive Lizardman Painting Tutorial | Wargames Atlantic

3 years ago 2

Join John for a new painting tutorial where he shows off how to paint up one of the new 28mm Lizardmen from Wargames Atlantic to fit into a Sci-Fi wargame like Necromunda. 

3 Colours Up: Painting A Stone Templar – Full Tutorial


In this tutorial; Romain will be taking one of the Primaris Marines in Warhammer 40k from Games Workshop and painting it to suit the style of the Stone Templars as inspired by our resident painter, John.

3 Colours Up: Painting Stone Templar Part Five – Basing & Branding


Welcome back to this multi-part series where Romain will be taking one of the Primaris Marines in Warhammer 40k from Games Workshop and painting it to suit the style of the Stone Templars as inspired by our resident painter, John.

3 Colours Up: Painting Freehand Celtic Shields


Romain is back in the hobby lab today to show those of us from an ancient heritage how to paint up some Freehand Celtic Shield patterns.

3 Colours Up: How To Paint A Fleur De Lis For Joan Of Arc


Following on from my Joan Of Arc tutorial last week, I'm moving on to show you how to freehand the famed flower of the French, the Fleur De Lis.

3 Colours Up: Painting A Baroque Pattern


Today I'm back in the Hobby Lab to show you how to paint the beautiful pattern of Baroque.

3 Colours Up: Painting Freehand Elvish Script


This week I'm going to be taking a trip into the world of Tolkien in my attempts to mimic the stylised writing of Elvish in Lord of the Rings.

3 Colours Up: Painting Freehand Family Crest


Hobby VLOG: Astral Knights Space Marines – Part Six


I'm no Salvador Dalí but I can sure give Jackson Pollock a run for his money.

3 Colours Up: Gnarly Pirate Make Over


3 Colours Up: Painting A Glowing Axe Effect


3 Colours Up: Painting Pale Green Armour


In this painting tutorial Romain joins us in the Hobby Lab once again to bring you some beautifully shaded light green armour.

3 Colours Up: Painting Hordes’ Minions Emblem


3 Colours Up: Painting Hordes Skorne Emblem


3 Colours Up: Painting Freehand Trollblood Emblems


This week Romain show us how to paint the Trollblood Emblem freehand style!

3 Colours Up: Painting Freehand Imperial Fist Emblems


We're back once more paint up an Imperial Fist Emblem for your Space Marines!

3 Colours Up: Painting Freehand Dark Angels Emblems


Today Romain is back in the studio to follow up on the Warhammer 40k Emblems for varying factions.

3 Colours Up: Freehand Ultramarine Emblem


We're back for another splendid tutorial on freehanding Space Marine Emblems.

3 Colours Up: Painting Freehand Blood Angels Emblem


Today we're back with another spectacular and simple design for the Space Marine Freehand Painting series.

3 Colours Up: Freehand Painting – Human Skull


Romain is back with his fantastic quick tips on how to paint freehand human skulls.

3 Colours Up: Painting Warmachine Emblems – Circle of Orboros


3 Colours Up: Painting Warmachine Emblems – Legion of Everblight


Romain has returned this week to bring us another Warmachine emblem guide, today featuring the Legion of Everblight.

3 Colours Up: Painting Warmachine Emblems – Retribution Of Scyrah


Check out how to freehand the Retribution Of Scyrah Emblem!

3 Colours Up: Painting Non-Metallic Metal Freehand Chrome


We've showed you Gold and Silver and now it's time to paint up some 90's style Chrome, perfect for those androids you're looking to paint up!

3 Colours Up: Painting Warmachine Emblems – Cryx


Romain is back with another awesome Warmachine Freehand Emblem. Today we're looking at the gruesome Cryx Faction.

3 Colours Up: Painting Warmachine Emblems – Protectorate Of Menoth


Romain returns today to show off how to paint an additional Warmachine Emblem. Today we're doing the symbol for the Protectorate Of Menoth.

3 Colours Up: Painting Non Metallic Metal Freehand Silver


Today Romain brings out his secret shiny treasures and show's us how to paint freehand silver.

3 Colours Up: Painting Warmachine Emblems – Khador


Get your hands steady again as we're back to freehanding emblems. In this video, Romain is going to show you how to paint Warmachine’s emblem for Khador.

3 Colours Up: Warmachine Emblems – Cygnar


Freehanding emblems can be easy when you have the proper guidelines. In this video Romain is going to show you how to paint Warmachine's emblem for Cygnar.

3 Colours Up: Painting Freehand Ivy


Today Romain is painting freehand Ivy techniques on the Warmachine shoulder pads of the Man-o-War Shocktroopers from Privateer Press.

3 Colours Up: Painting Rackham Spirals


Today Romain is painting up the famed Rackham Spirals.

3 Colours Up: Lightning Shield


This time we're going to be creating a lightning effect and looking to expand upon the wealth of different shield designs you could create!

How to Paint Tartan… Part 1


Time for something a little more advanced as Romain takes us through the steps to painting tartan cloth with freehand techniques, using none other than William Wallace from Infinity.

How to Create Freehand Engravings on Your blades


Romain gives an Orc a Christmas present by engraving his blade with some fancy designs. However, for all you Backstagers, this is a bit of advice on creating some freehand engraving effects.

Painting Freehand Dwarven Runes


Romain embellishes his Dwarven Warsmith with some freehand Dwarven Runes.

How to Paint an Orc Glyph Using Free Hand Techniques


Romain adds a cool Orc glyph to his greenskin banner, using some simple free hand techniques.

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