Go Down Memory Lane & Snap Up Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

October 9, 2023 by brennon

With Warhammer Day 2023 fast approaching this week, Games Workshop will give folks a look back into the ancient past of Warhammer 40,000. The Rogue Trader Rulebook, previously only available from Warhammer World, will be available on a Made To Order basis from this weekend for a while.

Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader - Games Workshop

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader // Games Workshop

Shop Warhammer 40,000 @ Store.OnTableTop

This Rogue Trader Rulebook is a trip down memory lane for those who might remember the initial release in 1987 (the same year I was born!). The book is a faithful reprint of the original based on the pristine copy that Games Workshop hold within its vaults.

So, if you're tempted to do a bit of time travelling and see what Warhammer 40,000 was like back then or you are an old veteran who wants to add a new version of the book to their collection, this might be the chance to do so. The Made To Order window for Rogue Trader will last until 8am BST on 23rd October 2023. A good chance for someone who can't make it to Warhammer World to scoop this up.

Warhammer Day Preview 2023

With Warhammer Day coming up on 14th October, you'll also be able to tune in and watch all the big reveals for a number of Games Workshop's flagship games.

Warhammer Day Preview 2023

Warhammer Day Preview 2023

Warhammer 40,000 will no doubt focus on the next two armies to get their Codexes. This will probably be the Necrons and the Adeptus Mechanicus who are (according to the whispers in The Immaterium) going to be getting some new character miniatures to support their release.

Sticking with the grimdark future, I would guess that Kill Team will be both a reveal of the new boxed set for the game and the upcoming "season". The strong bet is that we'll see Space Marine Scouts included as part of the boxed set going up against Aeldari Striking Scorpions. Perhaps it's time for Games Workshop to finally finish updating the Aspect Warriors.

It will be interesting to see what the news is for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. The Dawnbringer Crusade is in full swing so we're likely to see some news on what the next Battletome update might be. The next edition of the game is probably still a good year away but who knows, we might see the path being laid out for that switch-up. I am very much looking forward to them copying the Combat Patrol format and making a Vanguard game mode. It seems like a must for the game.

Last but not least, we have Warhammer: The Old World. At this point, we're either going to see another trickle of previews for Khemri (we've seen a lot of Bretonnia) or the big reveal of the two boxed sets coming out and the Rulebook. It seems like we'll be getting a box for the Bretonnians and a box for Khemri rather than a single two-player set.

What news would you love to see coming out of Warhammer Day?

"What news would you love to see coming out of Warhammer Day?"

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