28mm, Square Bases & More; Big Warhammer: The Old World Update

July 21, 2021 by brennon

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Games Workshop dropped a pretty neat update this week for Warhammer: The Old World. They not only have us a bit more confirmation on the time period that this will be set in but also revealed a few more details too for this Fantasy mass battle wargame.

Warhammer The Old World - Games Workshop

Warhammer: The Old World // Games Workshop

So, one of the big things about the latest update came in the form of a few questions answered. Warhammer: The Old World will...

  • Be on Square Bases and follows a similar Rank & File format
  • It will be in 28mm scale allowing you to use your old armies (sorry not sorry to all the idiots who burnt their armies)
  • Will feature rules and mechanics from 3rd Edition all the way through to 8th Edition and will be a twist on a familiar format
  • Will be some time away still so make sure to dust off those models but keep them in storage

All good news to a lot of people who still have their Warhammer Fantasy Battles armies. I still have some Dwarfs lying around that could come out of retirement.

The Setting - Warring Emperors & A Great Invasion

Warhammer: The Old World is also going to be set several hundred years before The End Times. This is not the time of Karl Franz but instead looks to be the era of The Three Emperors and the rise of Magnus The Pious as the first true Emperor of The Empire.

The Old World Map - Games Workshop

Warhammer: The Old World Map // Games Workshop

This means that we get to see a period of history within Warhammer lore which has never really been explored in any great depth. We will be able to see whole new forces and characters tome to the tabletop whilst also allowing for freshly reworked factions like Kislev (and Grand Cathay).

This is also good news if you're a fan of Mordheim. This was the time period where The City Of The Damned was still very much a thing. That means we might find Games Workshop revisiting it alongside the mass battle wargame.

Are you going to be checking it out when it relaunches?

"We will be able to see whole new forces and characters tome to the tabletop whilst also allowing for freshly reworked factions like Kislev (and Grand Cathay)..."

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