Ride Forth With Cygnar’s Zephyr In Privateer’s Warmachine

October 27, 2023 by brennon

Privateer Press has added another neat miniature to their webstore for those playing as Cygnar in Warmachine. Ride down your enemies with the Zephyr. In a world with massive killer robots, there is still room for mechanical horses!

Storm Legion Zephyr - Warmachine

Storm Legion Zephyr // Warmachine

The Zephyr boasts a Legionnaire on the back who has seen many battles, armed with voltaic javelins. These lightning-wreathed weapons will be able to bring death to those that stray within reach of this thundering chariot.

In-game, the Zephyr can make both melee and ranged attacks during the same combat action and you also get access to the Ionization special rule as well. The voltaic javelins also have the Electro Leap special rule which allows them to do some serious damage when they strike their target.

Whilst this might be a more classic addition to the Cygnar army, it could still pull its weight!

Will you be getting one?

"The voltaic javelins also have the Electro Leap special rule which allows them to do some serious damage..."

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