Blood & Plunder – Amaro Pargo Painting Tutorial | Firelock Games

February 9, 2023 by johnlyons

In this video, John dives into painting one of the personalities, Amaro Pargo, from Firelock Games' excellent miniature wargame, Blood & Plunder. Get piratical with one of these excellent 28mm Pirates for use when playing out Historical adventures on the tabletop.


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This miniature is a great opportunity to play around with lots of flamboyant colours and Contrast works particularly well when trying to get that poppy look. Amaro Pargo is just one of the legendary pirates that you can play as in Blood & Plunder.

Paints Used Include...

  • Citadel Contrast, Blood Angels Red
  • Citadel Contrast, Talassar Blue
  • Citadel Contrast, Ironjaws Yellow
  • Vallejo, Heavy Skintone
  • Citadel, Corvus Black
  • Vallejo, Glorious Gold
  • Citadel, Leadbelcher
  • Citadel Contrast, Skeleton Horde
  • Citadel Contrast, Flesh Tearers Red
  • Citadel Shade, Tyran Blue
  • Citadel Contrast, Darkoath Flesh
  • Citadel Contrast, Nazdreg Yellow
  • Citadel Contrast, Cygor Brown
  • Citadel Contrast, Apothecary White
  • Citadel Shade, Cyrptek Armourshade Gloss
  • Citadel Shade, Nuln Oil

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