Are You Celebrating National Board Game Day?

April 11, 2022 by fcostin

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Today is National Board Game Day here in the UK, with hundreds of people across the country looking to take their board games out on the table for an evening celebrating by both competing and collaborating.

National Board Games Day - Featured Image

National Board Game Day

Board games over the last few years have had more of a chance in the limelight. Heck, if I was talking about National Board Game Day with a few of my friends five years ago - their intrigue would normally be piqued with a simple sesh of Ticket to Ride.

Kickstarter Preview - National Board Games Day

Kickstarter Preview // National Board Game Day

Now in 2022, we are seeing more board game titles than ever reach the tabletop; crowdfunding for our slice of the gaming industry has rocketed on Gamefound and Kickstarter and FLGS stores are not as much of a rare sighing as they used to be! We also have modern video game translations and expansions with the likes of Dying Light and Horizon Zero Dawn. Let alone book adaptations and Hollywood-ized series connecting to our favourite tabletop titles.

We've never had so much of a choice in titles. With all of the board games readily available, plus the number of pre-orders out there in retail stores and the potential that is on crowdfunding.

Game Preview - Wingspan

Game Preview // Wingspan

National Board Game Day is a players' chance and excuse to connect with the hobby. Players could head off to their FLGS for an event, invite some friends over for a game night, or spend their evenings doing something a little different.

So whether that is starting a long adventurous playthrough of Gloomhaven, cracking open the box for some Wingspan, bringing the family around the table for some Exploding Kittens or relaxing with a classic and testing your brain in some Scrabble. You may want an excuse to get a title out that you have not had a chance to play yet!

Game Preview - Sleeping Gods

Game Preview // Sleeping Gods

Myself, my friends have been tasked to bring their favourite board game with them to games night this week. So far we have an evening of Cascadia, Sleeping Gods, Spirit Island and The Quacks of Quedlinburg - for a chance for us to indulge in our most treasured titles this week in honour of National Board Game Day.

Let us know if you are going to be using National Board Game Day as an excuse to get some board games out on the table! Or as an excuse to order some new titles for your table.

Whether you choose to be drafting cards, pushing your luck or moving meeple - be sure to let us know what title you are going to be celebrating this year. 

"We've never had so much of a choice in titles!"

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