Trade Crystals In New Century: Golem Edition Sequel

July 5, 2019 by cassn

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A simple crystal trader, you have travelled the famed Golem Road for many years, witnessing the wonders of these great, old creatures who cross your path. But the business must expand, and now you find yourself wandering further into the mountains, seeking out new routes, new trades, and new magic in the game sequel Century: Golem Edition - Eastern Mountains!


Plan B Games originally walked away from the idea of a fantasy edition of Emerson Matsuuchi's Caravan (later renamed Century by the company) but the publisher changed their position in 2017 when fans objected. However, Century: Golem Edition was promised as a one-off game, deviating from the other historical Century games.


Now, it seems Plan B have changed their minds again, and Century: Golem Edition - Eastern Mountains will be the second game in a trilogy of Century: Golem releases. In this latest game, players return to their roles as crystal traders, now out exploring the land of Carvania, seeking out a viable trade route through the mountains and valleys.


Eastern Mountains is a fantasy reimagining of Plan B's Century: Eastern Wonders, featuring fantastical, vivid manga art. The game can be combined with the original Century: Golem Edition to create "The Call for Adventure", a unique game for fans of the series to enjoy.

Century: Golem Edition - Eastern Mountains will be released in August 2019, but is currently available for pre-order (along with a limited edition playmat!). You can check it out here.

Have you played any of the Century games yet? Let us know what you think!

"New routes, new trades, and new magic!"

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