Enter The Zen-Like Tang Garden With Thundergryph Games

May 15, 2018 by brennon

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Thundergryph Games has a wonderful looking game coming to Kickstarter soon. Here we have a look at Tang Garden which has you building a wonderful garden for nobles to visit.

Tang Garden - Thundergryph Games

You will be building up your landscape using tiles, 3D cardboard components and then projecting them using vertical panoramas. The game LOOKS gorgeous, featuring artwork by Mateusz Mizak.

Tang Garden (Cards) - Thundergryph Games

Tying themselves into Chinese culture, the idea of the game is to (in part) build combinations of perfect harmony on the board using your tiles, matching the landscapes up to score points.

Tang Garden (Tiles) - Thundergryph Games

These tiles can then be populated with Decorations (see above) which are special cards which enhance your tiles and help you work towards those beautiful panoramic vistas that you'll have seen on some of the other cards.

Tang Gardens (Gameplay) - Thundergryph Games

Those panoramas are an important part of the game and help add to the vertical aspect of the game design, giving your guests something to look out upon as they wander through your garden. Your guests, which you'll see are represented by miniatures in the image above, will wander your garden and give you praise if you have created views they want to see.

The game looks beautiful and I can't wait to give this a go!

"The game LOOKS gorgeous, featuring artwork by Mateusz Mizak..."

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