Create Flora & Fauna Down In Sydney With Board Game, The Gardens

April 23, 2021 by fcostin

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Alert! A new chilling, zen board game is coming from Grail Games this year, and it is one that is suitable for Sundays and fluffy socks! Under the title The Gardens, where players use a card-drafting mechanic to create a stunning landscape fit for the glory that is Sydney's Royal Botanic Garden.

The Gardens // Grail Games

Players are required to draft cards that will have featured different types of gardens contained. The player will then need to build their portion of the garden in front of them, using the cards they have pulled.

Points will be scored as different visitors walk past in awe of the beauty of the botanical garden. Looking at the flowers, trees, ponds statues - you name it. Players are to build on the three rows of grass, cityscape and waterside to accomplish the beauty of the flora and fauna of Sydney's famous attraction.

Although the game looks simple and easy for new board gamers to pick up, there are modules designed to target experienced board gamers too, to add depth and variety to that game too.

The Gardens // Grail Games

I don't know about you, but a particular type of art style really makes or breaks a game for me. I could be playing the best, strategic, well-thought-out board game to ever exist. But! If the art style doesn't fit my personal preference - I would be sure to never play it again. The artwork by Kerri Aitken is something that seems to bring this game to life, so I really looking forward to seeing more.

The game is embedded in the release schedule of 2o21, so we can look forward to seeing this game soon.

What is your favourite tabletop game to play when you want to relax? 

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