Humble Releases ‘Boardless’ Tabletop Charity Bundle

August 30, 2018 by cassn

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Let's pretend this is all about charity as we drool over the sheer size of this bundle.

Humble has released their tabletop bundle.  For $1 - yes, that does, in fact, say $1 - you can own Ticket to Ride: Complete Bundle, Ticket to Ride: Android Edition, Sentinels of the Multiverse, Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game, Mysterium: The Psychic Clue Game - Android Edition, and the Sentinels of the Multiverse Soundtrack.

For $1.  What?!

Okay, so there is, of course, a catch.  These are 'boardless board games' with no components, dice, boards, or indeed anything physical at all.  But hey, it's for charity, and they can all be digitally redeemed on Steam.

Now, if that first list didn't already leave your head spinning with sheer ecstatic delight, get ready.  Pay above the average price (currently $5.92), and you'll also get Pathfinder Adventures, Carcassonne, Sentinels of the Multiverse - Shattered Timelines, Talisman, Talisman: Digital Edition, Talisman: The Highland Expansion and Talisman: The Dungeon Expansion.

Pay a mere $10, and on top of all of these, you'll also receive Armello, an awesomely dark fairytale board game.

I feel like a dragon who just doubled their hoard.  Sure I prefer a solid, physical game over a digital offering, but it's $10, it's for charity, and there's just so much included.  You can even choose which charity if you want (although Humble's choice one this month is the excellent Water Aid).  So skip the coffee and get yourself a dozen games here instead.  You know, for charity.

What game would you like to see in this sort of bundle?

"There's just so much included!"

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