New Edition; Ashes Reborn By Plaid Hat Games Now Available

April 2, 2021 by fcostin

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Ashes Reborn has indeed risen from the ashes, with the brand new edition from Plaid Hat Games which is available right now! The expandable card game has got an upgrade, so not only the starter set has had a refresh, but all products including the expansion decks have been added to the mix.

Ashes Reborn // Plaid Hat Games

If you are not aware of exactly what is involved in the Ashes Reborn Universe, let me take you on a little journey! You and one other player will sit in the seat of a Phoenixborn - a demi-god - a protector of the world and those who reside in it. Once upon a time, there was no such thing as these Phoenixborn, and the world was cursed by tortuous creatures, forcing people to build around their homes to stop any incoming dangers. Yet, the Phoenixborns came to save the day and began to fight off the monsters for humans to run free in their world.

The new edition of Ashes Reborn features a new version of 1.5 updated rules and cards. They still contain the same cards as the original version, however, some cards have been modified and balanced, and there have been slight rule changes around power.

If you are not sure where to get started with the game, as it is quite intimidating with all of the products readily available, the best place to get started is the newly released Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn Master Set.

Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn Master Set // Plaid Hat Games

In the set, you get to pick from six different Pheonixborn and using the luck of the dice and a set of cards you will be able to use magic, summon and outsmart your opponent's incoming wrath.

You can pick up the new editions straight from the Plaid Hat Games Store, but it is also available from a wide range of FLGS stores.

What card games would you like to see get an upgrade? 

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