New Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid Expansions Coming Soon To Kickstarter

June 17, 2021 by fcostin

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Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid has been an absolute success on the tabletop. With over 10 expansions already released for the mighty morphing board game, continuously introducing new heroes and villains to the game. Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid still stands strong after the initial release in 2019.

Renegade Game Studios are returning to Kickstarter with all-new expansions, coming next week on June 22nd 2021.

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid // Renegade Game Studios

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid, players take the role of an iconic Power Ranger, equipped with individual powers and abilities to save the world once more by taking down the forces of evil which reside in the Power Rangers universe.

Each expansion has not only given me a new insight past "the pink ranger" who was indeed my favourite as a child, but has really immersed me into the Power Rangers world. Bringing new characters to join the skirmish for each expansion, the game is growing at a fast pace and truly does bring all kinds of fans - both new and old - into a fun dice-rolling adventure with some no-longer-cheesy, but classic heroes!

Power Rangers: Rangers United // Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid

The new teased artwork for Rangers United has certainly got Power Rangers fans into overdrive excitement, featuring characters from Beast Morphers and Omega Rangers.

The game expansions were announced on the Power Rangers Tabletop Gamers | Renegade Game Studios Facebook Page, stating the Rangers United expansion will contain seven rangers, which may be familiar to those who are clued up in the Power Rangers comic books with the Omega Red Ranger, Omega Black Ranger, Omega Yellow Ranger, Violet Solar Ranger, Beast Morphers Red, Beast Morphers Blue and Beast Morphers Yellow.

There are also twelve Foot-Soldiers, Dayne as your Nemesis, Blaze Darkonda and Roxy as your Monsters, and Kiya as your main boss. The social post also confirmed that there will be some new rules in play, adding Triple Threat Bosses to the gameplay.

That is just the one expansion, we have more on the way in the Kickstarter campaign next week!

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid // Renegade Game Studios

It looks like Renegade Game Studios is taking the power rangers up a gear, with a brand new logo most recently released too. This means we can expect a modernisation and more exciting content for the game to follow.

Master Stroke Painting Contest // Renegade Games Studios

If you did want a chance on getting your hands on the contents of the Kickstarter, and you are already a fan of the board game franchise. Be sure to involve yourself in The Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Master Stroke Painting Contest.

All you need to do is share some images in the Facebook group of your favourite painted miniature from the game. Whilst using the hashtag #powerrangersmasterstroke. Participants may get the chance to get some credit towards the store or the Kickstarter. But one lucky winner will be able to get their hands on everything included in the campaign. Be sure to head on over to the Painting Contest announcement page for the full details.

So if you are proud of your miniatures, and have some amazing Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid painted up and ready. You should enter! You never know, you might be the winner!

Keep an eye on the Kickstarter page here, or be sure to click to receive a notification for when the campaign goes live.

Is it just me, or does anybody else want an Ivan Ooze miniature? Uh-oh, we're in trouble. Something's come along, and it's burst our bubble. 

"The new teased artwork for Rangers United has certainly got Power Rangers fans into overdrive excitement, featuring characters from Beast Morphers and Omega Rangers. "

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