Plaid Hat Tease New Characters For Guardians Uprising Heroes Pack

December 7, 2018 by cassn

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Publisher Plaid Hat has teased a few more images of their Uprising Hero Pack for their superhero area control battle game.

In Guardians, players act as heroes trying to defend InterGov, the world's first united government, from renegade groups and factions. Players assemble their team of three heroes from a roster of super-powered champions and form their own hero deck. Once their team is assembled, players must fight for control of key locations, destroying their enemies and unleashing an Ultimate - a powerful attack which can completely change the state of the game.

The latest expansion to the game, the Uprising Hero Pack, brings new heroes to the game, and Plaid Hat has released details of two of these brave fighters.


Atrivoxx is a hero with a powerful exhaust ability. Using Void Link, Atrivoxx can slow down an enemy Ultimate or speed up their own. Atrivoxx also manipulates charge tokens to benefit himself, using the charge he gathers to make a strong Void Pulse attack!

Nightshade is another hero in the Uprising Hero Pack with some pretty cool abilities. Overgrow means she can attack without worrying about losing control of a location she already dominates, which means the only way to take the location is to knock her out - something which is not easily achieved considering she has life value of ten. Nightshade also slows opponents down using her Tanglethorn and Nature's Hold abilities.

Guardians is a pretty cool card-based game with detailed characters and some pretty cool artwork. I'm loving the latest additions to the game, and hope to see more from Plaid Hat soon. If you're feeling heroic, you can pre-order this expansion and purchase the base game from the Plaid Hat website.

Have you played Guardians yet?

"In Guardians, players act as heroes trying to defend InterGov, the world's first united government, from renegade groups and factions!"

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