Back Wild Assent: Lavon Rising Now For Monster Early Bird Offering!

June 30, 2021 by brennon

If you haven't already checked it out, make sure to dive in and take a peek at Wild Assent: Lavon Rising on Gamefound. If you back the campaign during the first 72 hours you'll be able to snag yourself an ace Early Bird offer!

Wild Assent Lavon Rising Main - Lazy Squire Games

Back Wild Assent: Lavon Rising On Gamefound

Check Out Wild Assent Week OnTableTop

If you back anytime before 12pm EST 2nd June you'll be able to get yourself an additional and terrifying monster for you to hunt during games of Wild Assent. The Mist Terror will find its way into your games for free and terrorise your part of Seekers!

72 Hour Early Bird Special - Wild Assent

72 Hour Early Bird Special // Wild Assent

If you're intrigued about what Wild Assent is all about then we already have two awesome videos for you to check out. The first of these is a great interview with the team at Lazy Squire Games explaining the concepts of the game and what they hope to achieve with Lavon Rising.

The second video is part one of our Let's Play for this week. Gerry and Justin take on the game in Hard Mode and see if they can take on the various monsters that roam the wilds.

Make sure to keep an eye out for more from us this week as we're going to be showing off a painting tutorial for Wild Assent and one of its Seekers PLUS the second part of the Let's Play. We also have a great interview lined up for the weekend talking about what's next for Lazy Squire Games.

Wild Assent Pledge Options

There are a number of different options for you to consider when it comes to diving into Wild Assent and Lavon Rising. Not only have they looked to offer up the new expansion content but also give you an entry point into the board game series too.

Wild Assent Pledge #1 - Lazy Squire Games

Wild Assent Pledge // Lazy Squire Games

Wild Assent Pledge #2 - Lazy Squire Games

Wild Assent Pledge // Lazy Squire Games

Wild Assent Pledge #3 - Lazy Squire Games

Wild Assent Pledge //Lazy Squire Games

As you can see, each of them adds something different into the mix. You get the Core Game with all of them plus additional content from Shadow Of Silvestrem and Lavon Rising. Of course, this being a crowdfunder, you're also going to be getting access to all manner of Stretch Goals too.

A detailed breakdown of all of the different sets, expansions and more are available over on the Gamefound page which you'll find linked above. There are far too many of them for us to preview here!

Wild Assent Miniatures

One of the things that Lazy Squire wanted to enhance in this latest campaign is the quality of their miniatures. Unlike in the original Wild Assent, the miniatures won't be crafted using UniCast. Instead, they will be available in PVC. However, this isn't going to change the high quality of the finished product.

Wild Assent Miniatures Preview #1 - Lazy Squire Games

Wild Assent Miniatures Preview // Lazy Squire Games

As you can see from the renders, these miniatures are pretty immense. The monsters are even more impressive! You can get an idea of the different scales that are involved with the miniatures in Wild Assent below.

Wild Assent Miniatures Preview #2 - Lazy Squire Games

Wild Assent Miniatures Scale // Lazy Squire Games

Wild Assent Miniatures Preview #3 - Lazy Squire Games

Wild Assent Miniatures Scale // Lazy Squire Games

If you're a fiend for miniatures and love painting up some rather bespoke and original creations for your game then you're very much in luck. They stand a little taller than you might imagine with each miniature coming in around the 35mm scale. They crest into the 40mm range once you add on their sculpted bases.

To give you an idea of how the miniatures might end up looking, here are some of the finalised Stormsunder PVC figures that they've recently previewed.

Lazy Squire Games Miniatures #1

Lazy Squire Games Miniatures // Stormsunder

Lazy Squire Games Miniatures #2

Lazy Squire Games Miniatures // Stormsunder

I would be very, very happy if they turned up as part of my game. They look like they would take paint really nicely, especially with a good application of Contrast and some exuberant highlighting with a drybrush!

Here are some of the finalised PVC miniatures alongside a few of the sample miniatures we got and painted up for use in our Let's Plays.

Lazy Squire Games Miniatures Comparison #1

Lazy Squire Games Miniatures Comparison

Lazy Squire Games Miniatures Comparison #2

Lazy Squire Games Miniatures Comparison

There is plenty more for you to check out as part of the Gamefound campaign. All you have to do is head on over using the link below and check it out. Lazy Squire Games has done some good work with Stormsunder. Wild Assent also seems to be a nice blend of challenging PvE content alongside ace PvP opportunities.

Back Wild Assent: Lavon Rising On Gamefound

Check Out Wild Assent Week OnTableTop

Make sure to check out the game and let us know what you think. Also, we have more content coming up so watch out for that.

Are you going to be checking out Wild Assent: Lavon Rising?

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