Darrington Press
Darrington Press has now made their new roleplaying game, Daggerheart, available for you to download and playtest at home as part of their public beta for the game. Putting a twist on your Fantasy adventures, Daggerheart is looking packed with promise but that's where you come in. Playtest can make the game better!
It's OTT Weekender time! With 10th Edition Warhammer 40K coming up for pre-order this weekend as part of the Leviathan boxed set, has this new edition charmed you? Do you think that you're going to get hooked again on the grimdark?
Darrington Press, the publishing arm of Critical Role, has now released the Quickstart Rules for their new Horror/Mystery roleplaying game, Candela Obscura! If you're looking to dive into some Gothic Horror storytelling then this might be for you.
Darrington Press has announced a new board game coming soon. Dive into a fun three-six-player fight to claim the title of Midnight Queen in Queen By Midnight which was previewed recently, designed by Kyle Shire and featuring art by Michal Ivan, Mike Pape and Ameera Sheikh.
Critical Role's publishing arm, Darrington Press has announced a new game that will be landing in the early portion of 2023. Till The Last Gasp comes from Will Hindmarch and Alex Roberts and is all about playing out dramatic duels on the tabletop with an emphasis on the dramatic.
Critical Role continue their domination of the tabletop gaming world with a team-up alongside The Op. CLUE is going to be getting the Mighty Nein treatment (the adventuring group from Critical Role Campaign Two) in the near future.
Darrington Press are returning to their Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting once more with a new book that will allow you to enjoy Dungeons & Dragons adventures in the world crafted for Critical Role by Matt Mercer.
Darrington Press, the gaming wing of the Critical Role kingdom, has now released its first board game into the world. Uk'otoa, based on Fjord's terrifying deep-sea dwelling patron, is now available for you to snap up from the Critical Role store in the UK, US, Canada and Australia.
Is Core Space 2020s Best Sci-Fi Kickstarter + FFG’s New Descent Misses The Mark? #Weekender
4 years ago 81We look at the new Core Space: First Born Sci-Fi Kickstarter and ask if FFG's Descent: Legends Of The Dark misses the dungeon-delving mark.
The team from Critical Role announced this week that they are going to be turning their attention towards the crafting of tabletop gaming with a new string to their bow, Darrington Press.