UK Games Expo Tickets On Sale NOW #PlayWithConfidence

May 6, 2021 by brennon

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Tickets for the UK Games Expo are NOW ON SALE as part of their new campaign to #PlayWithConfidence. With the event set for the 30th July - 1st August at the NEC in Birmingham, the team behind the event is set to launch a safe and enjoyable convention!

UK Games Expo

UK Games Expo #PlayWithConfidence

The UK Games Expo has signed up as part of The Good To Go initiative through Visit Britain meaning that they are adhering to all of the safety standards that are required of events in light of COVID-19. As part of this, UK Games Expo is hoping to pave the way and #PlayWithConfidence. Here's what this means...

Play-With-Confidence-UKGE NEW

#PlayWithConfidence // UKGE

Look out for more information on the UK Games Expo Website and watch out for an interview with the people behind the convention this Friday as part of The Weekender. We will obviously keep everyone abreast of the situation in the weeks and months leading up to the show in July/August and we'll see many of you there!

Are you going to be picking up tickets and attending UK Games Expo 2021?

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