Salute 2019 Live Blog!

Welcome to the Salute 2019 Live Blog where we're going to be delving into all of the awesomeness from companies and clubs here down in London at the ExCel Centre.
Salute 2019
Make sure to get involved as we want to know who you'd love us to talk to here today and what miniature ranges you want us to explore too.
Prize List - Follow Links To Specific Prizes!
- Bandua Wargames - 40K Objectives
- Bandua Wargames - Painting Station
- Kraken Wargames - Winter Cobblestone Mat
- Warlord Games - Black Seas Core Set
- Warlord Games - Blood Red Skies Core Set
- Deaddave - Cor Tauri
- PWork Wargames - 3x3 Overlord Mat
- Warlord Games - Warlords Of Erehwon Rulebook
- Warcradle - 2x New Posse Sets (check videos for details, one per winner)
- Creature Caster - Set Of Synthetic Brushes
- TooFatLardies - Chain Of Command & Sharp Practice Rulebooks
- 4Ground - Urbes Mortis Terrain Set & Wooden Sword
- Pendraken Miniatures - Blitzkrieg Commander 4th Edition Rulebook
- Archon Studios - 2x StarCide Preview Sprues
- Deep-Cut - Yu Jing Battle Mat
If you'd like to know more about the event itself you can find more information on the links below.
Event Floor Plan - Participation/Display Games - Traders - South London Warlords
As always we'll have loads of prizes to give away to lucky winners too so there's plenty of reason to get involved and comment on the various videos we do throughout the day.
The Friends Of General Haig Talk About Their Demo Game!
Gerry spotted a table which really caught his attention! Come and check out this wonderful group from The Worcester Wargames Club, The Friends Of General Haig.
He has been delving down into everything that has been going on with this game. I have to say, I think he is rather taken with it!
Flash Gordon LEGO Game: Winner Best In Show
Gerry has a chat with the team behind this absolutely awesome game featuring Flash Gordon and a LOT of LEGO. The team have been working on this fantastic gaming table which also features mechanics which draw from…you guessed it, LEGO!
Even the player boards they use for each of the characters are done using lego!
Stingray, Stingray Dududududu!
Everyone loves some Stingray…and so when we saw that there was a game based around Stingray we had to go and find out more about it.
One of the cool things about this show is that it seems like everyone is drawing on some of those awesome retro shows for their inspiration when delving into their tabletop games.
It’s very neat seeing how inventive everyone is!
RAF Wargaming Association - Stargate Game
Continuing the trend of interesting and diverse gaming tables to explore here at Salute we talked with the ever awesome RAF Wargaming Association as they have been setting up a really awesome Stargate game here for people to delve into.
Come and have a look at what Gerry learned about this particular game.
Raiders Of The Crusader Keep! University Of Edinburgh
We get to chat with the team behind a really fascinating game which is as much for fun as it is for education. Created alongside the University Of Edinburgh the game is focused around an assault on a Templar Keep.
The interiors for this build are fascinating and I think that anyone who enjoys their Crusades is going to be loving this.
Batman Miniatures Game With Mark Latham!
Gerry talks to Mark Latham about the development of the Batman Miniatures Game and how it has been tweaked for the new edition and a very special boxed version of the game.
Learning More About Warlord's New Projects + Win A Prize!
We got to chat with Paul Sawyer about what is coming up from Warlord Games, across the spectrum of games.
You Could Win – Warlords Of Erehwon Rulebook
What part of the upcoming schedule from Warlord Game has really snagged your attention?
Creature Caster And Their Wonderful Creatures + Win A Prize!
We get a chance to talk with the team from Creature Caster as they show off their amazing range of wonderful creatures and monsters BUT also some of the additional bits and piece they are also working on for hobbyists and painters.
You Could Win – Set Of Synthetic Brushes
Make sure to get stuck in here and tell us which of their monsters are your favourite.
3 things you have to drop by and look at;
1 new Konflikt 47 stuff
2 new dropfleet resistance fleets
3 Warcradle, just all of Warcradle!
I hope you’ll swing by the Sarissa Precision booth!
If TT Combat are there, please try to find out about DZC 2nd Edition.
I second this!
Another evnet full of content? I’ve been busy for a few weekends now and don’t have a full weekend free until the bank holiday. Normally I’d say you don’t make enough content but I’ve many hours of backlog and now this? I’m looking forward to it but I suspect I’m going to need the 4 day weekend to finally catch up on everything.
That gw paint pot holder is completely unnecessary yet completely needed at the same time.
you guys look like your having fun, wish i was there but i am on 12 hr night shifts with the ambulance service in ye old Lon Din town so no fun for me
I’d love to hear some from TTCombat, I know they announced Battle Earth for dropfleet commander, but I’d like to hear more what they are doing with Dropzone Commander.
Isn’t the “battle earth” book both DZC v2 and DFC?
I don’t know. Guess that’s what I liked to see more about then. ?
The deep cut mats look great as always!
The moonstone boards were amazing and packed all day too – lots of good vibes about that game today.
Thanks for the coverage guys!
Sadly I missed it this year was working and couldn’t get out of it. Looked great though.
Really great looking miniatures. I wonder how the gameplay was.
Possibly late to the party Please look at the miniature tabletop gaming stands
Just an idea not sure anyone will see this, but for events like this could all the video content be put into a playlist or something either here or youtube? often I play the videos whilst doing something else so it is nice to just have them all play one after the other rather than having to keep change blog post. Just an idea.
I shall ask the puppet masters
Looks like another great show this year.
It was a great event this year. I’m very pleased to say our Batman the Miniatures Game won Runner up for best Sci fi or Fantasy display too, there’s some pics here
Another well-done con. Thanks for all the news and pictures of outstanding tables and models!
Good coverage guys, even though I was there not enough time or energy for everything , you seem to have caught a lot I missed.