The Half Trolls Come Down from the Scotia Grendel Hills

September 4, 2012 by brennon

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Scotia Grendel have re-released their Half Trolls and since I don't reckon many of you have seen them before here are some of the kits for you to have a look at! I smell dungeon fodder already!

Half Troll Command

First up we have the Half Troll Command, complete with the mandatory standard covered in skulls. While the other Half Trolls in the range would make perfect fodder this is more geared towards wargaming, and there's no reason they couldn't proxy for a fair few things across fantasy.

Half Trolls with Spears

Next up are the Half Trolls with Spears. Depending on how you paint these miniatures they could be a variety of different things. With a simple green paint job they would make great Orcs, or you could even change things up and go for feral hobgoblins!

Half Trolls with Clubs #1

Half Trolls with Clubs #2

The next two packs allow you to field Half Trolls with Clubs. In keeping with the 'what if?' scenario considering their gangly limbs and primitive weapons could these be used as rather large and ferocious ghouls?

What do you think to these Scotia Half Trolls?

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