Venture Deeper Into The Dark Eye With Westfalia On Kickstarter

April 17, 2020 by brennon

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Building on the success of their last Heroes Of Aventuria Kickstarter campaign, Westfalia Miniatures are now back on the funding platform with Heroes Of Aventuria 2 which dives deeper into The Dark Eye world and Siebenstreich.

Necromancer - Westfalia Miniatures

The new Kickstarter focuses in on a range of different options for backers. The first of which is the Necromancer above who looks superb, especially with the little demon fellow on his shoulder. It pays to have a familiar who comes from the other side and might bring with them a little extra knowledge!

This Necromancer will also get themselves a band of shambling undead to control as you'll have no doubt seen in some of our previews for this campaign.

Undead Warriors - Westfalia Miniatures

The set breaks down into a band of undead warriors with the weapons they clutched as they fell. I always love putting undead into dungeon delves as I think they are a familiar but fun option for your heroes to face off against. The mummy at the back there could well be used as a spellcasters perhaps as well to shake things up.

Warrior Bands

As well as the undead fellows above there are also two more packs of characters, NPCs and companions that you can pick up. If you're looking to either bulk up your adventuring party or perhaps find some Town Guard to tussle with then this would be a nice set to pick up.

Soldiers - Westfalia Miniatures

They might even be the reluctant allies that you side with as you're looking to face off against a band of roving Orcs! Yes, Westfalia Miniatures has also added a set of these feral creatures into the mix for you to contend with.

Orcs - Westfalia Miniatures

Finally, they have also catered to those of us who really like their Norse themes and aesthetics with the introduction of some Thorwalian Raider who will be taking to their longships in search of their next prize.

Thorwalian Raider - Westfalia Miniatures

There are also a few surprises mixed into the campaign like additional characters and a monster called the White Harrier. If you're interested in seeing them in more detail then check out the Kickstarter campaign and have a poke about.

Skirmishing Rules!

In addition to obviously creating miniatures for The Dark Eye RPG world and beyond, the team at Westfalia Miniatures are also working on their StrongSword rules which will allow you to play our warband-scale games in Aventuria. These will be given free to all backers of the campaign.

Let me know what you think of this campaign and the work Westfalia is doing. Gerry is no doubt already salivating!

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"Let me know what you think of this campaign and the work Westfalia is doing. Gerry is no doubt already salivating!"

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