First Flames Of War Bulge: British Releases Drop This Weekend

October 14, 2022 by brennon

The first wave of Flames Of War releases for the Bulge: British range is available for you to snap up. Battlefront are starting out with the main Bulge: British book alongside the Starter Force for the British during this Late-War period.

Bulge British Book - Flames Of War RELEASE

Bulge: British Book // Flames Of War

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The new book offers up a great way to play out the British push deeper into France during World War II and even further. It matches up very nicely with the Comet Armoured Squadron that forms the tank-filled basis of the new collection.

Comet Armoured Squadron - Flames Of War RELEASE

Comet Armoured Squadron // Flames Of War

Inside this set, you get four Comment 77mm, two Cromwell CS 95mm, four Challenger 17pdr and three Chaffee 75mm. You also get two Sexton 25pdr, a Unit Leader MG Team, a PIAT Team, a two-inch Mortar Team, SIX MG Teams, three Ram Kangaroo MG, and finally, two Archer 17-dr. So, quite a lot of kit!

You will also get the A5 version of the complete Rulebook, a Start Here Booket, decal sheets and unit cards. You could pretty much get going with just this if you like!

Two packs of cards are also available for you to pick up and use alongside your Starter Force and growing range of offerings. You can get the Unit Cards...

Bulge British Unit Cards - Flames Of War

Bulge: British Unit Cards // Flames Of War

...and the Command Cards.

Bulge British Command Cards - Flames Of War

Bulge: British Command Cards // Flames Of War

These will be handy for quickly referencing your units on the tabletop and forming up interesting armies to match the Late-War. If you're interested in learning more about the Command Cards, there is a breakdown of them over on Breakthrough Assault.

This is the first wave of releases for the Bulge: British range and plenty more is going to become available over the next few weeks.

Are you going to be snapping up the new book and these new British miniatures?

"This is the first wave of releases for the Bulge: British range..."

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