New Ghost Panzers & Red Banner Pre-Orders Live For Flames Of War

November 8, 2018 by brennon

Ready for an early December release, two new books are on the way for those playing as the Germans and Soviets in Flames Of War. As the battle hots up around Stalingrad you'll need new forces and scenarios to get stuck into.

Ghost Panzers - Flames Of War

The two books which are rolling out for the factions are Ghost Panzers and Red Banner.

Red Banner - Flames Of War

"The Eastern Front shifts from the rubble-strewn streets of Stalingrad back across the Russian Steppe as the Red Army rolls back the German invasion. With new weapons fielded by the Wehrmacht arriving on the front to aid in retaking lost ground and the constant pressure of the determined Soviet resistance, the brutal battle for the East continues with Ghost Panzers and Red Banner."

Both of these new books are then going to be supplemented by a range of new releases across the following couple of months beyond December. Leading the charge for both of these books we have two new 'Get Started' plastic sets.

The first of these is Bake's Fire Brigade which as you can see comes with some heavily armoured tanks and some proper rocket support in the back too.

Bake's Fire Brigade - Flames Of War

Rolling up against them we have Kutusov's Heroes for the Soviets. Again we're seeing a range of new tanks up for grabs as well as some mechanised fire support in the form of those rocket batteries.

Kutusov's Heroes - Flames Of War

It will come down to one of those age-old clashes between the Soviets and the Germans. Will the heavier armour of the Germans win out or will the speed of the Soviets be able to push them out of the city?

Make sure to take a closer look at their release scheduled HERE as it details all of the kits that will be coming up between December and February.

Will you be adding to your Soviet or German army?

"Will the heavier armour of the Germans win out or will the speed of the Soviets be able to push them out of the city?"

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