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All kinds of everything remind me of Blood Bowl!

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This topic contains 147 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  rickabod41 10 months, 1 week ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I’d forgotten his mohawk. I was a Mail Order Tell at the time so had the run of the entire Citadel catalogue. My Morg has an Imperial Guard Ogryn’s horned helmet for no better reason than I could 😁



    Blood Bowl star players coming in thick and fast now.



    I think we are only missing Bilerot Vomitflesh now.

    Also to note, was playing BB3 on the Ps4 as Dark Elves and two Star Players from the 2020 Spike! are still in the game, so maybe we might see those previewed with new rules in the coming months.


    I am also still hoping for a Hubris Rakarth in the near future!

    We are also nearly half way though the year and no “new” Teams yet. Could it be we get that Vampire Team previewed in the run up to Halloween? They have missed that opportunity twice now with the Shambling Undead and Necro so surely they won’t miss it a 3rd time!!?!!



    I bought BB3 on PS5 and play it mostly vis AI…

    It’s a really stupid AI… dumber even the BB2 AI… which is saying something!

    And the comentary has hardly changed. Disappointing.

    Still waiting for the ‘Seasons’ to start and that free unlock we were promised because of buggy game they released.



    season 1 I believe is still due to start next week (25th).



    In terms of just sheer creativity and coolness, nothing beats 2nd edition (1988), although 3rd edition (1991) might have been more playable. Nothing they’ve done since has piqued my interest.


    Cult of Games Member

    @wolfie65 – absolutely agree: 2nd Edition with the polystyrene “astrogranite” pitch was really cool.

    Maybe it’s just because at the time, American Football was still quite new here in the UK – but had quite a “buzz” around it, with collectable plastic helmets filled with sweets, Panini-type sticker books, and all those cool-looking logos and glitz and glamour around it.

    The fluff in 2nd Edition was perfect – just the right blend of sincerity and goofy satire. I loved the whole Blood Bowl universe. It took me about 20 years to realise I loved the idea of Blood Bowl far more than the actual game! Later version miniatures are infinitely cooler-looking but they’ve also taken themselves a little bit too seriously at the same time. It was never better than when it was sending itself up.


    The Blood Bowl Star Player and Compendium books were great just as a casual read! Really brought the whole game to life.



    The thing is that Blood Bowl doesn’t play like US-style Handegg at all, it’s more like a combination of Rugby League and Soccer.

    Which is a good thing, your average Handegg game – which I quit watching about a decade ago – lasts a good 3-4 hours, what with timeouts, resets for each down, replay reviews, gazillions of commercials etc. etc. etc. while official playtime is 60 minutes, of which only about 10 minutes consist of actual activity. ‘Athletes’ my foot. In the 70s and 80s, there were quite a few simulation games that tried to faithfully re-create those mechanics and they were boring as all get-out. Take a look at Strat-O-Matic if you’re the obsessive statistics type……

    I don’t even think the newer minis are all that great, haven’t bought many new GW figures since the early 00’s, give me some plastic one-pose Dungeon Elves with David Bowie hair and spiked, thigh-high boots any day.



    Ivan ‘the Animal’ Deathshroud

    Looks like the star players from the previous iteration of Blood Bowl are getting some love!

    Not 100% sold on the miniature itself, but it gives me hope I may well see a Hubris Rakarth before Season 3 of Blood Bowl eventually arrives!



    It’s not Hubris Rakarth but its nice to see another Dark Elf Star Player.

    Also this:

    I have heard rumours that there are currently 2 new Blood Bowl Teams in the works – one a Team of Legend, and one a totally new team.

    That would be very interesting…

    As for star player’s – still loads from the 2016 edition that were featured in various SPIKE! Magazines – and they are clearly still working on bringing those guys out at some point – Ivan “the animal” Deathshroud appeared last month, and yesterday we got Kiroth Krakeneye – so Blood Bowl is still proving super popular.

    I myself am still debating attending the Full Beard Cup in Nottingham at the end of November. Depends how my reworked Chaos Renegades team look once I have started to paint them.

    Also, just my thoughts, with Ivan Deathshroud putting in an appearance, a preview of potentially a new team next week, and an Official GW Blood Bowl event around Halloween, are we on the cusp of a new Vampire team? Looking at the release schedule GW have adopted for BB, it all tracks – Vamp and new star Players* drop end of September gives people a month to get them and paint them before the event.

    *my guesses for Undead Star Players to accompany the Vampire Team? Well Ivan is one, Count Luthor Von Drakenborg will reappear, and either a totally new Thrall star player, or G’Ral Blodschüker the legendary Ghoul star player from 1st Edition and who also made an appearance in the Shambling Undead SPIKE! From 2016.



    Not sure if its my connection at home, but I have tried posting this 4 times, so if suddenly there are multiple similar posts that’s why!

    I suspect we will get either a Team preview article on Warhammer Community on Monday or a star player preview.

    My Money is still on the Count and G’ral.

    Thoughts on what they team will look like.

    A Vampire Blitzer with Juggernaut to start is mad! On average he is two dicing most players on a blitz and the ability to turn a both down into a push will turn him into a tank.

    Imagine he blitz’s the corner of a cage pushes a play back, you have a Strength 4 piece right on your ball carrier, that’s two assists just to get a two dice block on the vamp.

    A Vampire runner with MA 8 is also mad, unless they get a strength or agility deduction that’s like a super powerful Elf running all over the place. Give these the ball and if their stats don’t change they are ST4 dodging around on a 2+. That’s a difficult piece to get the ball off – once they get block or dodge, you have a huge problem!

    I can see the thrower getting his ST reduced, as they will be to fancy and aristocratic to get involved in a fight!

    I am doubtful now that Vamp’s have 3 different positional’s that they will get some sort of big guy. I think they would just be two overpowered, unless the new Blood Lust trait really Nerf’s them.

    Maybe I can see them getting a huge vampire that has devolved into a animal form that has loads of nega traits as a star player.

    No matter who we get, the actual team looks awesome, and I cannot wait to get them!



    Oh my, Vampires are going to be one tough team to play against with the new Blood Lust rule.

    No more walking off the pitch, just lose a tackle zone, no turnover either – unless they had the ball or couldn’t bite a thrall.

    Really looking forward to getting these.

    Also in BB3 news GW just spoiled the next team to get unlocked – its Underworld Denizens!




    No free unlock for BB3 of Underworld, but it’s only 1000 green stuff and I had the brutal edition which included 2000 and playing through previous season earned me another 1000, so next two seasons are free.

    Downside is I’m still playing Baldur’s Gate 3 and that’s a massive time eater. Need to devote at least an hour a day to BB3 to get to the team unlock.



    I think the Lizardmen were only given free because of all the launch problems.

    To be fair you can unlock stuff by just playing against AI teams in online mode. I know I have done that a few times towards the end of Season 1 just to unlock stuff .

    I think I only missed out on a lizardmen saurus head – which is no great shakes as I will never ever play as Lizardmen!


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