This topic contains 19 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by hazyboy75 10 months, 4 weeks ago.
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Home › Forums › Painting in Tabletop Gaming › Drybrushing with Brain Matter Beige
Tagged: BMB
This topic contains 19 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by hazyboy75 10 months, 4 weeks ago.
I’m familiar with drybrushing but why specifically use Army Painter Brain Matter Beige? I’ve heard it mentioned several times but have no frame of reference. Can you tell me the pros and cons and point me to examples?
It’s just some “inside joke”
At the risk of being banished from OTT: use any off white you like!
I’m in my bunker for now.
ignore Punny it’s not an inside joke.
If you look at any of Hazyboy75 Projects he has a style of speed painting that goes, basecoat, drybrush the whole model with Brain Matter Biege, wash with coloured washes (army painter tones)
because BMB is a very light neutral grey/brown it works as a highlight colour for pretty much everything. Check out this as a good example
Ok, I’d like to add to my previous statement: it started as @hazyboy75 using BMB ‘everywhere’ but has since become what we call a “geflügeltes Wort” (winged word aka proverb)
So technically I and Gerry are both right.
What @avernos said but with slightly culty overtones. There can be only one Biege.
geflügeltes, that’s a fun word!
I think I’ve created a monster.
Yes, don’t listen to me… never ever do not listen under any circumstance to me… or do, I’m not your mom!
There’s the other brainmatter beige :
geflügeltes … that’s chickens 😉
I will hold my hands up here and say it’s not a technique I would typically use. However it’s one I have long been aware of, it’s in the same category as just applying a brown wash on top of block colours (or using a quickshade dip). In fact I reckon you could do both of these techniques together.
Essentially you can provide very quick highlights to any miniature by simply dry brushing the entire model with an off white, rather than matching the dry brush colour to the underlying layer. I find it interesting that it’s being referred to “dry brushing with brain matter beige”. During the second age (of my miniature painting hobby) it was dry brushing with Ushabti Bone. During the first age (in an age undreamed of) it was called dry brushing with bleached bone. I am sure the denizens of that long forgotten age spoke of the legends of their past, of an age before Citadel Colour where dry brushing was done using another off-white of a name long consigned to myth and legend.
long story short (Well possibly not if you have read this far), you can use any warm, off white to achieve this look.
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