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Hobby Pledges 2023

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This topic contains 65 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  lawnor 7 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for the poke @lawnor. Sadly I think I’m into damage limitation – too big a gap to close entirely between new models vs models painted to close before year’s end. On a positive note, my big target was painting up all the Baron’s War: Outremer models, and that has been done.


    Cult of Games Member

    Progress continues apace at this end.  I’ve been following various projects and updates and have seen others putting out some excellent stuff.  I’ve been working on a new project area for Xenos Rampant with the first two forces getting a GB recently.  I was working on some terrain in September so the Terrainfest came at a fortunate time and I’ve just finished my Silent City buildings. Current total of painted items for the year is 498.


    Cult of Games Member

    Had a big slowdown in the second half of this year @lawnor, once the need to complete an army for the Broadside show went I lost my mojo, although more gaming over the summer.  More progress over the next month hopefully.


    Cult of Games Member

    A timely reminder! But not a comfortable reminder as I’ve made very little progress. I did manage to paint up some BB star players earlier in the year. Then I get very distracted with Bushido and I’ve forgotten my hobby pledges completely. But I have painted quite a lot of Bushido models and terrain in my project, so it’s not all bad….


    Cult of Games Member

    All progress is good progress.  You’re not meant to be prisoners to your pledges.  They’re meant to help motivate you.  It’s good to see people are trying and doing what you can.  Give yourselves credit where it’s due, and enjoy getting done what you can.  perhaps next year I may do quarterly or bi-annual nudges?


    Cult of Games Member

    The 2024 page has gone up.  I see the 2023 sheet has turned a lot more green in the last month.  Well done everyone!

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