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Hobby Weekender 21/6/19 – The Shortest Night of the Year

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This topic contains 144 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    Apologies to all in the southern half of the world, I know it is winter there but here it’s the summer solstice, baby!

    For all those new folks not in the know, this is an open, welcoming thread about all things hobby! Here you will find friendly banter, music (fine and otherwise), excellent company, and all the incentive we can legally provide to get some hobby done. For this week, I, Robert of Armagh, shall be the host, there will be points (hopefully), feedback (definitely), music (not guaranteed to be good), and damn silly things (because we can).

    First port of call for everyone is the traditional ‘Pledge’. Let us know what hobby you pledge to work on this weekend (and beyond). It can be anything from recolouring to full paint jobs and even just working your way through that pile of sprues in the corner of your room. We know they’re there. ? And if you don’t manage to get the pledge done? We don’t judge! Think of this as your own personal support group for your hobby and just get involved. To get us started on the conversations I will pose a few questions. Feel free to answer all of them, some of them, or none; it’s your choice!

    Obviously for all you veterans out there, you know the code, but for the new chaps we have a few simple rules: be supportive, be kind, be respectful. Don’t be a dick and try to keep clear of politics and religion.  No potty mouths either 🙂

    So welcome back, or come on in for a first visit! The bonfires are ready to light and the sacrifices are ready to be made, so pull up a chair and let’s get to it!

    The questions!

    1. Do your hobby habits change with the seasons?
    2. Would you play a summer olympics style game?  I’m imagining players taking the role of Greek gods and creating beings, both human and mythical, to compete over a series of events to see who is the top god!  How would you design such a game?
    3. What is your ideal summer’s day?


    Cult of Games Member

    Goooooood morning.

    1. Do your hobby habits change with the seasons?

    Yes. Without a dedicated hobby space I can do certain things only when it’s warm(ish) outside and dry.

    2. Would you play a summer olympics style game? I’m imagining players taking the role of Greek gods and creating beings, both human and mythical, to compete over a series of events to see who is the top god! How would you design such a game?

    Na, doesn’t tickle me. Hard pass on the idea. But the model kits for this could be wild because all animal parts could go on anything XD

    3. What is your ideal summer’s day?

    Nothing to do and just relaxing. No stress, no work that needs to be done. Just doing what ever floats my boat at that moment. That could be reading, sleeping, watching a movie, doing a BBQ, go swimming or even hobby stuff. Being free to do what I want. That’s the perfect day. Summer and winter.

    Short night? Night? Night! NIGHT CRAWLER!



    My pledge is to paint more 10mm stuff and paint my giant fantasy mushrooms.



    Got a little bit of painting done this morning.  I’m loving the red on my more traditional mushrooms!



    Cult of Games Member

    Payday !!



    Cult of Games Member



    @tuffyears Can’t wait to see them added to your existing guys. Such a good visual to that army. Was there a release date on Gotrek yet?



    Hello everyone. My feet are up, its been a long day and I have been sneaking some hobby in too. Feel a bit popped too though.

    My Pledge:

     Finish my Primaris Captain – I intend to complete this one
     Assemble two Plagueburst Crawlers – I may not get this done, my son is up to visit soon and I have work some of the days too.

    Ill try and do more time permitting. I also need to get some super glue and Chaos Black Spray Paint.

    1. Do your hobby habits change with the seasons?

    Yes they do. In the autumn and winter months I get less spray painting or priming done due to the damp and rainsoaked climate of Ireland. Also due to less daylight painting in the evening can be a pain in the butt which means I need to make sure I have better bulbs. Due to the colder seasons though I am less inclined to go out and more to stay in, and thus paint. Or play board games with friends. I suppose there are smaller subtle changes but things also stay the same mostly. I do get much more sprayed in the summer time, though.

    2. Would you play a summer olympics style game? I’m imagining players taking the role of Greek gods and creating beings, both human and mythical, to compete over a series of events to see who is the top god! How would you design such a game?

    Yes, as long as there were fantasy models themed around it. I like the idea of a bunch of Hell-spawned Orcs from Hades or Elven Valkyries were Odin and the nordic pantheon to become involved. I think staying to one game for miniatures would be necessary unless it was a card game. If you were to make it Summer Olympics a lot of various minis, card decks, boards and games within games would be needed. I could go into a lot of detail about how this could be executed but I will leave it at that, for now.

    3. What is your ideal summer’s day?

    A road trip would good company to Galway or Dublin to soak up the atmosphere, visit some nerd centric shops and just enjoy the good vibes of the respective cities. Retail therapy, a swim at a heated pool in a hotel and some sushi to dine on. If with a significant other, some dining and romantic meal, walk and/or movie in the evening.





    Work on my Captain this last week and a test Charcharodon


    Cult of Games Member

    “Sloppy with a big brush”(tm) … that’s how you do contrast paints.
    The livestream did prove that theory.
    And as such I need to buy a big(ger) brush first.

    So with a bit of luck I might get to practice it myself on my minions.
    Pledgewise it will be a spot of contrast painting and some quality time with my computer.

    > 1. Do your hobby habits change with the seasons?
    I barely notice the changing seasons, except for the occasional sneezing due to allergies.

    > 2. Would you play a summer olympics style game?
    The Olympics have become such a political and commercially overhyped piece of *beep* that it has tainted every aspect of it.
    So *eh* … I kind of doubt I’d ever play anything named after that sort of thing.

    It would be interesting to see how a sports game of that kind of impact would work in a fictional setting.

    > 3. What is your ideal summer’s day?

    What’s this thing called ‘summer’ ?
    Any temperature below 21 degrees celsius would be a great day in my book.

    And because @tuffyears I have to add the original version of the last song :

    The ‘new’ remix that was made for a (terrible) Dutch movie :

    Classic Dutch pop :

    And you might know this one from an American movie :

    Enough bad songs ? 😉




    End of Day One Points

    @sundancer – 80 (10 for first, 20 for answers, 50 for Judas Priest)
    @tuffyears – 100 (5o for buying the Dwarven Pizza Oven, 50 for The Wurzels)
    @woldenspoons – 10 (for being here)
    @mage – 80 (30 for answers, 60 for actual hobby, -10 for getting the Space Sharks Name Wrong XD)
    @limburger – 101 (30 for answers, 21 for being too hot, 50 for the tunes)




    @robert lol the mispelling of the current name or that I did not call them Space Sharks?


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey Team,

    Probably my last weekend to get any hobby done for a bit so thought I might jump in and actually make a pledge for the week:

    1. Get my Dogs of war force based

    2. Get my 2 units of warhounds based.

    3. Assemble and prime ca coule of wizards (just got my grubby hands on one of the FG wizards boxes so keen to take it for a spin).

    @robert thanks for hosting!

    Responses etc later 🙂 Hope everyone is doing well!



    Lurkers be lurking. Cry hallelujah brothers of the Tabletop. I am here.

    1. Do your hobby habits change with the seasons?

    Wait, there are seasons? Here in Wales it doesn’t really matter what season it is the weather does what it likes. The only difference is I sometimes paint after work during “Summer”.

    2. Would you play a summer olympics style game?  I’m imagining players taking the role of Greek gods and creating beings, both human and mythical, to compete over a series of events to see who is the top god!  How would you design such a game?

    Well, good news everybody, I have you covered. Imagine a 4×4 board with a track round it. Some walls almost like hurdles. Now imagine inside being divided into 4, one something like javelin or shot put. One wrestling or boxing. And another 2 with similar type choices of events. All able to affect each other so the javelins can be thrown at the runners, the boxers can punch out the gymnasts etc. Heck, I want to play this game now!

    3. What is your ideal summer’s day?

    It’s raining really heavily outside so all the tourists in holiday gear have made some bad life choices. And I can see them out the window and can cackle to my hearts content. I believe this is the plot for the new Malificent film.

    Pledge time. I’m playing a 2k game of w40k this afternoon against my work colleague. Thanks to Conquest mag I’m trying out all the little elite fellas. Hope I don’t forget any rules ?.

    If I’m feeling cute I might paint some Stormcast for my tournament next week. IDK.

    Hmm I suppose some music is in order.


    Cult of Games Member

    OMG … they’re predicting almost 42 degrees celsius by friday …

    I’m sure the folks down under will call that a cold day in hell 😉

    This calls for :


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