Sing A Siren Song With New Freebooter’s Fate Characters

November 8, 2016 by brennon

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Freebooter's Fate welcomes some new characters to their tale of pirate adventures on the high seas. Leading the way we have Mademoiselle D'oiseaux...

Mademoiselle D'oiseaux #1

Playing her accordion there she might not look threatening but this cult leader and mystic will be able to influence other mystics that have got themselves caught within her aura.

Mademoiselle D'oiseaux #2

She's a big woman with a quick mind. The little addition of the dagger on her back adds to the story told with this miniature. She'll seem like she's just playing a song for weary sailors but she'd sooner stab you in the back than let you win!

Siren Song

Playing an altogether more alluring song from the rocks in the midst of a churning sea we have Alga & Arida.

Alga & Arida

These sea-dwelling ladies will draw you to the waters edge and then drown you in the ocean, claiming their prize on land. The sculpting is great here once again and I like the additional scenic base options available here too.

They will fight for any crew too, as long as it benefits them in the end.

What do you think of the new characters?

"The little addition of the dagger on her back adds to the story told with this miniature..."

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