Victrix Release Gallic Warriors & Wild Fanatics On The Tabletop

February 27, 2018 by brennon

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Victrix have released their new Gallic Warriors & Naked Fanatics for you to use as you take on the Roman Empire. See what you think...

Gallic Warriors #1

Gallic Warriors #2

As well as the Gallic Warriors above who are fully armoured and ready to get stuck into the fighting, you also have the frontline fighters in a set of Naked Fanatics. You could imagine them howling and snarling as they smashed into the Roman's wall of shields, weapons slashing all around them.

Gallic Naked Fanatics #1

Gallic Naked Fanatics #2

These must be Justin's worst nightmare, right? An entire regiment of naked warriors charging forward across the table. I love that you get some neat accessories like the severed head to help build a narrative too.

What do you think?

"I love that you get some neat accessories like the severed head to help build a narrative too..."

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