Blood & Pigment Announce 2024 Great Pirate Paint Off!

January 5, 2024 by brennon

Blood & Pigment has announced their new Great Pirate Paint Off for 2024! Get involved, paint up some awesome Blood & Plunder and Oak & Iron miniatures and maybe win yourself some awesome prizes.

Great Pirate Paint Off 2024 #1 - Blood & Pigment

Great Pirate Paint Off 2024 // Blood & Pigment

At its basic level, you've got plenty of time to get involved and start painting some new miniatures for your collection throughout the first part of 2024. Your entry must be an official miniature from Firelock Games and painted during this year.

There are several different categories for you to choose from when entering including Command or Character, Unit, Blood & Plunder Ship, Oak & Iron Ship, Battle Force (loads of miniatures!), Terrain and one for best Blood & Plunder miniatures for each Nationality. Some entries will also be able to win some great spot prizes.

Great Pirate Paint Off 2024 #2 - Blood & Pigment

Great Pirate Paint Off 2024 // Blood & Pigment

The contest runs from January through to April and the winners for the different categories will be announced in May. That means you've got plenty of time to get your hands on some new resin miniatures from Firelock Games and get them painted up!

Great Pirate Paint Off 2024 #3 - Blood & Pigment

Great Pirate Paint Off 2024 // Blood & Pigment

You can find out more about the specifics of the contest on the Blood & Pigment website. Make sure to give it a read and see if there's a particular nook of the contest that you'd like to dive into. With so many miniatures to pick from, you can have some fun with this! Maybe it could be a good way for you and some friends to get into Blood & Plunder or Oak & Iron as your new game for 2024.

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"Maybe it could be a good way for you and some friends to get into Blood & Plunder or Oak & Iron as your new game for 2024..."

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