Start The Boxer Rebellion With New Wargames Atlantic Plastic Set

March 22, 2022 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic has now fired up pre-orders for the Boxers plastic set for you to use during your 19th & 20th Century wargames. Another very different set of 28mm Historical miniatures from these folks!

Boxers - Wargames Atlantic

Boxers // Wargames Atlantic

The sculpting for this set comes from Thieu Duong and offers up thirty warriors for you to use during a variety of clashes. The miniatures can be built as the Kansu (Gansu) Braves and the Tigermen if you like in their distinctive outfits.

Boxers Painted - Wargames Atlantic

Boxers (Painted) // Wargames Atlantic

As you can see, the set comes with a good selection of different options for making your rebellious soldiers. You do get a good sense that this showcases a lot of normal folks who have risen up to give the colonial powers a bloody nose.

Here is how the plastic sprue breaks down so you can get a look at the various options.

Boxers Plastic Sprue - Wargames Atlantic

Boxers Plastic Sprue // Wargames Atlantic

You've got a good mix of weapons here including firearms. You should be able to kitbash together a good selection of miniatures with this set and maybe even introduce additional elements from other plastic sets. A good flat arm joint is quite the blessing!

These miniatures can be used for playing out the Boxer Rebellion but also the Opium Wars, Taiping Rebellion, First Sino-Japanese War and even more conflicts from the 20th Century.

Are you tempted to snap up this new plastic kit?

"You do get a good sense that this showcases a lot of normal folks who have risen up to give the colonial powers a bloody nose..."

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