Torchlight Brigade Action Pack – Unit Profiles | Infinity

March 6, 2024 by brennon

Corvus Belli is taking pre-orders for their awesome new range of 28mm Infinity miniatures to celebrate Adepticon. The Torchlight Brigade Action Pack is on the way alongside a host of other awesome miniatures.

Torchlight Brigade Unit Profiles Infinity

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Check Out The Torchlight Brigade Preview

Torchlight Brigade Action Pack Pre-Orders // Infinity

The Torchlight Brigade are a brand new Sectorial Army for the O-12 Faction in your games of Infinity. The set is made up of an awesome range of new miniatures that will look stunning, defending humanity on distant colonies against the alien menace and where injustice lurks in the shadows.

Adepticon Pre-Orders

Pre-orders for the different sets and the overall Event Bundle are live now, 4th March, all the way through to 24th March.

Adepticon 2024 Pre-Orders - Infinity

Adepticon 2024 Pre-Orders // Infinity

Make sure to tell us what you think in the comments below about these upcoming miniatures for Infinity. Are you won over by Torchlight Brigade? Do you gel with Gladius Team? Will you be sneaking in that bonus Bounty Hunter?

Let us know!

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