Malifaux Gets A New Two-Person Starter Set!

June 30, 2015 by deltagamegirl22

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Wyrd Miniatures was full of great stuff Monday for their news! The biggest news being the new Two Player Starter Set for Malifaux! They have put together the perfect box for gamers as it lends itself to beginners with two sets for players to get a game in right away AND the characters are mercenaries that even a seasoned player could hire for their crews.

Malifaux StarterBoxCover

This is genius, since a collector or fan of the game would likely be interested in the set as well.

Malifaux fate decks StarterCardSet

This set features two, four character crews and all the fixings to play the game: two tape measures, two fate decks, quick start rules, stat cards, two upgrade cards and a free digital rules manual. Now players can face off with the mysterious Angel Eyes verses the diabolical Dr. Grimwell and their maniacal crews.

Will you be jumping into Malifaux with this Wyrd and wonderful two player starter set?

"This set features two, four character crews and all the fixings to play the game..."

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