1898 Miniaturas Release New 28mm Thirty Years War Cavalry

December 6, 2021 by brennon

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1898 Miniaturas has now released a new set of twenty-seven different models for those diving into the Thirty Years War in 28mm on the tabletop. See what you make of this new Historical cavalry that will soon be charging into battle.

Thirty Years War Cavalry #1 - 1898 Miniaturas

Thirty Years War Cavalry // 1898 Miniaturas

The different cavalry options in the range can be used to fill out the forces of the Spanish and Imperial forces during the period. Basically, it should work particularly well for any force in Europe during the period of 1618 through to 1648.

Thirty Years War Cavalry #2 - 1898 Miniaturas

The miniatures are armed with a variety of weapons including swords and pistols. You'll also find plenty of options in there in terms of cuirasses, buff coats, hats and helmets that fit the different European styles of the period.

Thirty Years War Cavalry #3 - 1898 Miniaturas

The miniatures are separated out into nine different packs (some of which are pictured here) with all of them being made from metal. A nice weighty set of miniatures to add to your collection!

Thirty Years War Cavalry Unpainted #1 - 1898 Miniaturas

Thirty Years War Cavalry Unpainted // 1898 Miniaturas

Thirty Years War Cavalry Unpainted #2 - 1898 Miniaturas

These miniatures then join an expanded line-up of different miniatures for the period of the Thirty Years War. If you want characters, infantry, artillery and the like then the folks at 1898 Miniaturas have you covered in that regard.

A stunning collection I think you'll agree, especially in terms of the posing and the detail. I like cavalry that looks like they are charging headlong into the action and this selection delivers on that.

Are you tempted to snap some of these up for your own collection?

"These miniatures then join an expanded line-up of different miniatures for the period of the Thirty Years War..."

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