Take Aim At Puppets War’s Halfling Snipers

September 28, 2017 by dracs

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Puppets War has released a team of halfling snipers, ready to bring their fine aim and steady trigger finger to the table.

Halfling Snipers

Halfling Snipers

For halflings, Puppets War seems to have steered clear of the usual stereotypes of rotund seekers of comfort. These ones mean business.

From the initial pictures provided, it is quite hard to tell that they are intended to be halflings, but we can get a better idea of how they compare to their fellow troopers in this scale comparison.

Halfling Snipers Scale

Halflings are, perhaps, my favourite fantasy race (insert inevitable height joke here). The idea that, in a scifi setting, they would take the role of snipers, is rather fitting. Their small stature makes them naturally stealthy, even if they are unsuited to a straight up fight.

Would you take a shot with these?

"[They've] steered clear of the usual stereotypes of rotund seekers of comfort..."

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