Ancient Lair Close In On Final Days For Campaign Medal Kickstarter

October 10, 2019 by brennon

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Ancient Lair is closing in on the final few days of their Kickstarter to bring their array of Campaign Medals to your tabletops as rewards for your heroes beating those epic tales in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.

Campaign Medals Main - Ancient Lair

The focus of this campaign is to produce a range of metal or resin display pieces which you can hand out to your players once they've managed to tackle some of these tough scenarios from Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.

They have created medals for Rise Of Tiamat, Curse Of Strahd, Storm King's Thunder, Out Of The Abyss, and Tomb Of Annihilation. All of these can either be picked up in a selection of different metal finishes, in resin and perhaps even painted!

Campaign Medal #1 - Ancient Lair

The painted versions of the medals have been finished by Craftworld Studio and they do look very snazzy indeed. The selection of medals is a good reward but you could also start to try and include them in your campaigns. Maybe these artefacts need to be collected together to take on some terrible evil that threatens the land when you're Epic level heroes?

Campaign Medal #2 - Ancient Lair

These are nice looking pieces and whilst they are somewhat of a vanity purchase, those who are playing Dungeons & Dragons right now are really into their additional accessories for the game like dice boxes, vaults and folios for your characters and such. So, why not reward your players with something unique like this?

Make sure to go and check out the Kickstarter in more detail HERE and let us know what you think!

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