Brother Hammond Leads The Way For Reaper In July

July 2, 2019 by brennon

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Each month, Reaper Miniatures make a model free alongside orders over a certain amount and July sees us introduced to Brother Hammond, Travelling Monk.

Brother Hammond Wandering Monk - Reaper Miniatures

This fellow is also available on his own if you fancy just picking up Brother Hammond. I think the model looks great and shows off some the quality you can get with the Bones Black material. I think he would be the perfect addition to a roving warband as their preacher and stalwart ally. Additionally, he looks like he could handle that staff in a sticky situation and beat some folks up!

Maybe you could drop him into your D&D games? Your party could be wandering along the road as they hear the sounds of a fight, only to round the bend and see Brother Hammond beating up a group of bandits! As he's wounded, you help him and decide to help him chase after what's left of the bandit group and give them what for!

What do you make of Brother Hammond?

"...he looks like he could handle that staff in a sticky situation and beat some folks up!"

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