A Bugbear Family Pops Up On Kickstarer From Meridian

January 21, 2020 by brennon

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Meridian Miniatures has now taken to Kickstarter to fund the creation of more Bugbears! This time around it's not just a solitary creature but an entire family of the blighters!

Bugbear Tribe - Meridian Miniatures

This new collection of characters which you could use in a range of skirmish games, dungeon crawlers and more breaks down into the Bugbear Matron...

Bugbear #1 - Meridian Miniatures

...who seems pretty ready to defend her brood. Talking of her brood you also get the Boy, Girl and Toddler. Whilst I wouldn't recommend actually throwing these poor creatures at the whims of a dungeon delving party, I could see them working in different games. I also think they'd make for a really fun painting project too.

Bugbear #3 - Meridian Miniatures

Looking back to the adults, we also have the Bugbear Shaman here who is calling down the power of something awesome. Worshipping the gods of metal is probably a good way to make sure you're looked after.

Bugbear #2 - Meridian Miniatures

I really like the detail that has been worked into these sculpts, especially regarding the fur. Each of them follows that look of the old school done with modern techniques and skills. I think they would be a lot of fun to tinker around with, especially if you made them that extra bit more colourful and used them in something a bit more kid-friendly.

Let us know what you make of these Bugbears?

"...especially if you made them that extra bit more colourful and used them in something a bit more kid-friendly"

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