Fight The Defence Of Ryza In Adeptus Titanicus Soon

July 20, 2020 by brennon

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Games Workshop are stepping away from the lure of 9th Edition for a week as they focus in on another option for Adeptus Titanicus players this time around. The Defence Of Ryza is a new supplement which will tell another story from The Horus Heresy.

The Defence Of Ryza Book - Adeptus Titanicus.jpg

The Defence Of Ryza Book // Adeptus Titanicus

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This book will have you fighting over one of the greatest forge worlds in the Imperium. You can either decide to take on the role of the desperate Imperium, fighting for the Emperor or the insidious forces of Horus and the Traitor Legions.

included in the book you'll find four new maniples and six new Knightly Houses. You will also find options for creating your own Titan Legion which is cool indeed. There are plenty of ways to tinker with the design of your Knighly House and you can, of course, choose their allegiance too.

Adeptus Titanicus - Miniatures & Stratagem Cards

As well as the campaign book, you can also pick up some new miniatures to match it. This set gives you Cerastus Knights in both the Castigators and Acherons patterns which each come with different weapons.

Cerastus Knights - Adeptus Titanicus.jpg

Cerastus Knights // Adeptus Titanicus

These brutal Knights might not be as towering as Titans but they still pack a punch. The Cerastus Knight-Castigators are armed with warblades and bolt cannons whilst the Cerastus Knight-Acherons equip themselves with chainfists and flame cannons. These look very cool and I could see them scything their way through some goliaths on the battlefield.

You can also snap up a pack of Defence Of Ryza Stratagem Cards which is a quick and easy way to refer to the Stratagems from the campaign book during play.

The Defence Of Ryza Stratagem Cards - Adeptus Titanicus.jpg

The Defence Of Ryza Stratagem Cards // Adeptus Titanicus

If you're interested in diving into this, it would be fun to hear how you've enjoyed Adeptus Titanicus so far. It is very much a niche game but it seems like Games Workshop is still firing out the expansions, so it must be fairly popular.

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