Don Your New Ushanka Heads From Puppets War

April 7, 2018 by brennon

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If you're looking to make some Cyber Soviets (hopefully with less nerve agent involved) then you might want to check out these new Masked Ushanka Heads from Puppets War.

Masked Ushanka Heads #1

These heads are designed to fit with most of the heroic ranges out there but would be awesome when added to some of your heavily armoured soldiers of the far future. You can also combine them with some of Puppets War's own range if you like.

Masked Ushanka Heads #2

They look awesome on their standard troopers as well as their larger ones. There's something of the Overwatch about the models when you see them like this which I like. With the skulls on the top, you just know they are bad guys too...

What do you make of their new heads?

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"With the skulls on the top, you just know they are bad guys too..."

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