Drokk! Warlord Games Has A Judge Dredd Preview Pack

October 16, 2019 by avernos

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In the run-up to the release of the new 2000AD game coming from Warlord Games, Judge Dredd: I Am The Law, @shredhead has tipped us off to some upcoming previews for the game. While the game itself goes on pre-order soon for a late November release, a pack of miniatures will be available to order this October. The set contains a Street Judge and two Block Gangers.

Warlord Dredd Preview Pack

Written by industry legends Gav Thorpe and Andy Chambers the game rules enable you to play as judges as they face the impossible job of cleaning up the streets of the biggest city on the planet.

The starter set 'I Am The Law' will include the full rule book, Warlord Resin miniatures. As this is a new license for many and Warlord's new Resin is unknown beyond the SPQR starter set I think this is a very savvy move from Warlord Games. It puts miniatures in peoples hands so they can see the material and how it behaves themselves before the game is released, and based on the release schedule I've seen the Warlord Resin is the only material they will be using for I am the Law. So for those who have not had the chance to get their hands on any of the ancients made from the stuff a new material can be a cause of trepidation, which this pack should allay.

Dredd also features in November's issue of Wargames Illustrated. With a theme of 'Fictional Heroes' in gaming, Dredd fits right in and the issue comes with a decal sheet to add the authentic grime and colour of Mega-City One to the walls before you push a perp's nose flat against it and send them off to the cubes.

November Wargames Illustrated

I've heard good things about the system they built for Strontium Dog, and I hope this iconic hero makes a bigger splash (like a fatty falling from a hab block) when it hits the shelves.

So, citizen, will you be grabbing a pack or are you looking for the Titan Treatment?

"Written by industry legends Gav Thorpe and Andy Chambers the game rules enable you to play as judges as they face the impossible job of cleaning up the streets of the biggest city on the planet."

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