FFG Battle For The Bunker In Star Wars: Legion

August 12, 2019 by brennon

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Fantasy Flight Games are battling for the Imperial Bunker with a new terrain release coming to Star Wars: Legion. You can now recreate that iconic scene from Return Of The Jedi.

Star Wars Imperial Bunker - Fantasy Flight Games

The Bunker comes as you see it above although the door can be flipped around to show an alternative design and you can even remove it entirely if you want to try and plan a larger complex behind the Buker itself. You also get all of those consoles in the set which would work really well as objectives in your games.

As well as the terrain piece the set also comes with a bunch of cards which allow you to create specific missions which use this terrain piece. I always think this is a good way to get people to use the terrain they've snapped up in an interesting way, making it the focal point of your games.

I'm sure some folks out there have already created their own takes on this Bunker but it's cool that there is an official version of it now.

What do you think?

"...a good way to get people to use the terrain they've snapped up in an interesting way, making it the focal point of your games"

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