Fight Battles With Wargames Atlantic’s Thureophoroi Plastic Kit!

May 6, 2021 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic has given folks another look at an upcoming plastic kit for their First Empires range. The Thureophoroi are going through the process of getting sculpted and they are looking very nifty indeed as a new set of 28mm Historical miniatures.

Thureophoroi Preview - Wargames Atlantic

Thureophoroi Preview // Wargames Atlantic

The first question I asked was "what is a Thyreophoroi?" Well, thanks to the magic of Google I worked out that they are a type of infantry soldier found throughout the Ancient world using the iconic Thyreos shield.

That type of shield was considered to have been developed by the Celtic tribes and the Thracian and Illyrian were thought to have used it before the Greeks did (thanks, Wikipedia). That particular shield design is still up in the air though as the folks at Wargames Atlantic are wondering if it's the right shape? They are eager for some feedback on it.

Thureophoroi Example - Wargames Atlantic

Thureophoroi Example // Wargames Atlantic

A few of the early 3D printed tests have also been put together (above). They are looking suitably awesome but what else would you expect from the folks at Wargames Atlantic? I am sure this is going to launch a new wave of people building Ancient wargaming armies!

Are you sold on this new plastic kit of Thureophoroi?

"I am sure this is going to launch a new wave of people building Ancient wargaming armies! "

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