Build A Fish Man Force With RavenClaw Miniatures’ 28mm Range

February 26, 2024 by brennon

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Badger Games has now made the range of 28mm metal Fish Men miniatures available from RavenClaw Miniatures. If you're looking to set up a Sci-Fi or Fantasy adventure then these could well be great villains or potential allies for you to come up against.

Fish Men High Command - RavenClaw Miniatures

Fish Men High Command // RavenClaw Miniatures

The Fish Men are all metal and suited for 28mm wargaming. You get a really good mix of different miniatures throughout the range to choose from as well including the Command element that you see above as well as core troops like these Swordsmen below.

Fish Men Swordsmen - RavenClaw Miniatures

Fish Men Swordsmen // RavenClaw Miniatures

There is enough in the range for you to build up a set of dungeon-dwelling foes for you to face with a band of adventurers or you can make a much larger fighting force. Turn these into full regiments or squads in your various games and either have them ranked up or as part of a skirmishing force.

Some additional specialists are available for you to make more elite units in your Fish Man force. You could get these Netters for example, set up to ambush your foes as they try and break into your little Fish Man settlement!

Fish Men Netters - RavenClaw Miniatures

Fish Men Netters // RavenClaw Miniatures

As well as Netters, you have Harpooners and those just attacking with their claws. The ones with simple claws seem like they could be painted up with additional warpaint, perhaps as feral "berserkers" that the Fish Men could unleash on their foes. I feel army ideas coming on!

If you're thinking more narratively then how about these Fish Men Civilians which come with adults and younglings. You also get little nests which they are going to be protecting with their lives.

Fish Men Civilians - RavenClaw Miniatures

Fish Men Civilians // RavenClaw Miniatures

Use these for your more roleplay-heavy adventures and make your heroes feel super bad about rushing through that underwater dungeon, butchering every Fish Man that they saw. You could also twist things around a little bit and have these Fish Men end up as allies that you need to defend against an incursion by another vile dungeon-dwelling force.

You can dive deeper into the range from RavenClaw Miniatures and Badger Games over on their webstore HERE.

Fish Men - RavenClaw Miniatures

Fish Men // RavenClaw Miniatures

Dive in and let us know what you think of the miniatures from RavenClaw. Could they make a fun new army or will you keep them as dungeon dwellers?

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"Could they make a fun new army or will you keep them as dungeon dwellers?"

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