Gripping Beast Preview A Wild Witch Hunting Warlord

November 30, 2019 by brennon

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Gripping Beast are on a roll with their previews right now as they showed off a peek at this ace looking Warlord who they have in the mix for Age Of Magic. What do you think of this deadly warrior who might have his one good eye set on finding witches!

Warlord #1 - Gripping Beast

This model has been sculpted by the talented hand of Matthew Bickley and would be a fantastic fit for someone wanting to build up an army of humans or a warband of Witch Hunters wandering the cobbles of a damned city perhaps? He is armed with a hefty axe which is most likely his original weapon and a masterful sword which might have been given to him by his Order.

Warlord #2 - Gripping Beast

If you mixed this in with a selection of other grimdark Fantasy models you could make a really fun looking warband for use on the tabletop. If you've got Mordheim sitting around somewhere or find a way to download it, maybe you could give it a go with some new models like this.

I think it would be fun to paint him up and maybe add a little bit of fire to his base so that you could add some object source lighting, glowing up onto his visage and making him look more terrifying than he already is.

What do you think of this model?

"If you mixed this in with a selection of other grimdark Fantasy models you could make a really fun looking warband..."

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