Kabuki Prepare for Their Final Knight of Legend

April 22, 2015 by dracs

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Kabuki are finally reaching the end of the Knights of Legend range as they begin work on the Celestial Knight.

Celestial Knight

The Celestial Knight promises to be the grandest of these armoured champions yet. Every inch of his armour is covered with filigree and symbolism that marks him out as a leader in the style of the Roman emperors.

I would say that the face, while suitably messianic, does look a little out of place in the middle of all this ornate battle gear, but there is no doubt that he is a mighty warrior. I cannot wait to see how this model looks when it is painted for the table.

Have you got any of Kabuki's Knights of Legend? Which is your favourite?

"Every inch of his armour is covered with filigree and symbolism that marks him out as a leader in the style of the Roman emperors."

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