King Games Preview New Fantastical Dunkledorf Characters

January 11, 2021 by brennon

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King Games are looking ahead to another jaunt into the Fantasy world of Dunkeldorf with more characters joining the cast soon. Over on social media, they have been sharing some peeks at these individuals including the likes of Barik Kneebreaker!Barik Kneebreaker - Dunkeldorf Miniatures

Barik Kneebreaker // Dunkeldorf Miniatures

These characters are all building towards The Kingpin Of Dunkeldorf project which is scheduled to hit Kickstarter in this Spring and will bring with it a lot of villainous individuals! This fellow for example has earned his name as a bit of a brutal henchman.

Lenny is another of The Kingpin's most trusted companions and he seems like he knows his way around a hammer.

Lenny - Dunkeldorf Miniatures

Lenny // Dunkeldorf Miniatures

These are some early looks at the miniatures but I am already impressed with the sculpting detail on these characters. They look perfect for Dunkeldorf and its world and would make excellent player characters and non-player characters in your roleplaying games.

The quirky is still a focus for King Games it seems as there is even this lovely Gong Farmer in the mix too! You might not want to hang out with him but I bet he knows all the secrets of the town.

The Dong Farmer - Dunkeldorf Miniatures

The Gong Farmer // Dunkeldorf Miniatures

Sonny Bundgaard is behind the characters you're seeing here and I think it will be, once again, hard to resist diving in and painting up some of these characters when the Kickstarter campaign hits. As someone who has really liked Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play of late, these would be a perfect cast of characters to include alongside that.

Are you liking the look of these new Dunkeldorf personalities and what would you like to see them do next?

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"Are you liking the look of these new Dunkeldorf personalities and what would you like to see them do next?"

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