Knight Models Release The Lantern Corp & Two-Face’s Gang

November 26, 2020 by brennon

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There is a bevvy of new releases from Knight Models for both their Batman Miniatures Game and also the DC Universe Miniatures Game too. We start with Batman and his villainous foes because Batman is way cooler than the rest of DC...right?

Two-Face - Knight Models

Two-Face // Knight Models

A new miniature is on the warpath with Two-Face looking to take control of the streets of Gotham. Two-Face has always been a fascinating villain, especially because of his more valiant beginnings. As a miniature goes, it's nice and dynamic but it does seem like a lot of people are going to be taking him off the massive base.

If you want to support Two-Face in his endeavours then you have some options with his Gangsters...

Two-Face Gangsters - Knight Models

Two-Face Gangsters // Knight Models

...and also a full bundle of Two-Face goodness which offers up a lot more characters and options for making a gang based around him and his schemes.

Two-Face Gang - Knight Models

Two-Face Gang // Knight Models

The above set is cool because it comes with a set of Gangsters alongside Suger & Spice and also Hush who is another of the deadly enemies that Batman has had to face off against during his time in Gotham.

Capping things off for Batman we also have the Grim Knight version of him which is available as a Black Friday Exclusive.

Batman Black Friday Exclusive - Knight Models

Batman Black Friday Exclusive // Knight Models

Whilst the model is cool it really is everything I don't want in Batman. The whole point is that he doesn't kill so giving him guns and rocket launchers just don't gel well. I'm sure some people will enjoy this option which has been drawn from the DC Multiverse but for me...nah.

The Lantern Corp & Hal Jordan

As well as these Batman offerings we also have some miniatures for the wider world of DC too. First up we have Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern himself.

Hal Jordan - Knight Models

Hal Jordan // Knight Models

If you want to support Hal Jordan in your clashes against some of the big bads of the DC Universe then you can also pick up the Green Lantern Corp as well which comes packed with all manner of new characters.

Lantern Corp - Knight Models

Lantern Corp // Knight Models

All of these miniatures are available this weekend from the Knight Models webstore and offer up more windows into the DC Universe for you to explore. Do you have a particular favourite from the offerings that we're seeing here?

Make sure to let us know in the comments below...

"Do you have a particular favourite from the offerings that we're seeing here? "

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