Knight Models Preview More From New The Batman Set

April 7, 2022 by brennon

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Knight Models has been dropping more previews for their new The Batman set which offers up another chance to dive into the Batman Miniature Game. Based on the recent movie, Robert Pattinson's Batman takes centre stage.

Batman - Knight Models APRIL

Batman // Knight Models

As well as the new miniatures inspired by the latest movie, we've also been getting a look at some of the rules for the new (or updated) characters.

Batman Stat Card - Knight Models

Batman Stat Card // Knight Models

A few new traits have been added to the new character cards which are going to be explored in a future article by Knight Models. So, it will be the Batman that you know but with a few tweaks here and there.

As well as the new model for Batman, we also have Penguin!

Penguin - Knight Models APRIL

The Penguin // Knight Models

This new version of Penguin steps into the game as a Sidekick for your criminal enterprise. He is able to deliver a lot of direction to your minions and goons though, allowing him to dominate the tabletop.

The Penguin Stat Card - Knight Models

The Penguin Stat Card // Knight Models

I'm sure that those who are more in the know about the Batman Miniatures Game will have more to say about these new stat cards and what they offer. The 35mm miniatures are looking impressive regardless and seem to match up nicely with their movie counterparts.

The new take on Catwoman is also a great opportunity to add another fiddle to your bow. She works alongside Batman as a companion, making them a pretty deadly duo.

Cat Woman - Knight Models APRIL

Catwoman // Knight Models

It's neat to see the alternative head options in the set. I think I'd probably model her without the mask just so you could make the most of painting the face.

More previews are lined up for this new boxed set in the near future so watch this space. It will be interesting to see what other accessories and such get added into the mix, allowing newcomers to make the most of the miniatures for the wider Batman Miniature Game.

Are you going to be snapping this set up?

"More previews are lined up for this new boxed set in the near future so watch this space..."

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