Adventure With Loke BattleMat’s January RPG Releases

January 10, 2022 by brennon

Loke BattleMats have a whole host of awesome roleplaying game goodies for you to snap up from them in January. There are some great options for wilderness adventurers this time around.

January 2022 Releases - Loke BattleMats

January 2022 Releases // Loke BattleMats

We start out with The Wilderness Books Of Battle Mats which is very handy for those delving into some adventures out in the wilds rather than just dungeons.

The Wildnerss Books Of Battle Mats - Loke BattleMats

The Wilderness Books Of Battle Mats // Loke BattleMats

The Wildnerss Books Of Battle Mats Examples - Loke BattleMats

The Wilderness Books Of Battle Mats Examples // Loke BattleMats

This breaks down into two books which can be slotted together to give you some interesting battlefields to fight across. All of these can be scribbled on and such if you desire but there are plenty of interesting elements in there for players to interact with. I really like that it doesn't just focus on forests and ruins but also seas, rivers and lava fields.

You can also get yourself The Little Book Of Battle Mats: Wilderness Edition!

Little Book Of Battle Mats Wilderness Edition - Loke BattleMats

Little Book Of Battle Mats: Wilderness Edition // Loke BattleMats

Little Book Of Battle Mats Wilderness Edition Examples - Loke BattleMats

Little Book Of Battle Mats: Wilderness Edition Examples // Loke BattleMats

This offers up smaller mats that could be bolted onto the larger ones to help produce interesting set pieces in your games. I really like the sunken ship and the skull-based lava field that seems like an awesome place for an epic boss battle.

If you want to add some more interesting elements to your mats then you also have the new static cling set from Loke with their Wilderness collection.

Wilderness Scenery - Loke BattleMats

Wilderness Scenery // Loke BattleMats

This gives you more flora, trees, ruins, rocks, camping equipment and more. All of it can just be placed onto the laminated books and then removed once they have been interacted with or used during the encounter. These are great, they lie flat and help add more character to your layouts.

Accessories & A New Book

We also have a new Immersive GM Screen from Loke which offers up both urban and rural artwork to immerse you in a specific adventure.

Immersive GM Screen - Like BattleMats

Immersive GM Screen // Loke BattleMats

This is double-sided (see the first image in this post) and offers up a beautiful scene. You could slide this up against the different Battle Mats to make things feel more special too! This works for pretty much any Fantasy roleplaying game thanks to being quite generic so it's a solid option for Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder or something else.

Last but not least we have Untold Encounters Of The Random Kind.

Untold Encounters Of The Random Kind - Loke BattleMats

Untold Encounters Of The Random Kind // Loke BattleMats

This book contains 1000-plus random encounters, all of which are fully compatible with 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. There are also six pre-written 5th Edition adventures in there for you to dive into.

You'll also find more in there for building dungeons, designing urban and rural adventures and using the encounters in the book to progress the plot rather than simply distract your adventuring party.

Whilst this has been designed to match 5th Edition there is plenty in there that is system-agnostic and would work for other roleplaying systems too. You also get a free digital download of the book when you buy the physical copy!

A great set of releases from Loke this month I think you'd agree!

"We start out with The Wilderness Books Of Battle Mats which is very handy for those delving into some adventures out in the wilds rather than just dungeons..."

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