Lucid Eye Drop HUGE Rome Release For Historical Wargamers

December 8, 2022 by brennon

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Lucid Eye have dropped many releases for their Rome range, allowing you to add more mighty Ancient warriors to your Historical (and perhaps Fantasy) armies on the tabletop. Leading the way, we have Alexander.

Alexander On Foot - Lucid Eye

Alexander On Foot // Lucid Eye

Taking the lead, Alexander is presented here with a mighty fine suit of armour and shield to his side. He also comes with his weapon held aloft, directing his troops into battle and works really nicely alongside the previously released Mounted version of the figure.

As well as Alexander, there is also a rather stern-looking Roman Commander who comes on horseback alongside a loyal retainer.

Roman Command - Lucid Eye

Roman Command // Lucid Eye

I like that they've managed to get that very statuesque look to the Roman General, especially with that strong jawline, nose and haircut. He cuts quite an impressive figure and I could see many folks following him into battle. Either that or his bodyguard there will end up making them.

Ancient Warriors

In addition to the new leader figures, we also got buckets full of metal representing 28mm Ancient armies on the tabletop. There are quite a few of them!

Boeotian Hoplites - Lucid Eye

Boeotian Hoplites // Lucid Eye

Chalcidian Hoplites - Lucid Eye

Chalcidian Hoplites // Lucid Eye

Hellenistic Hoplites - Lucid Eye

Hellenistic Hoplites // Lucid Eye

Thracian Hoplites - Lucid Eye

Thracian Hoplites // Lucid Eye

Who knew there was such a wide variety of Hoplite out there in the world? I think they look great and come with slightly different equipment, arms and armour meaning that you can snap up just what you need to help define your force and match it to a particular part of the Ancient world or time period.

Last but not least, we also got a set of Princeps offering up more variety when it comes to building your Ancient armies.

Princeps III - Lucid Eye

Princeps III // Lucid Eye

What's quite nice about this range is that for the most part, these miniatures are really easy to assemble and are packed with detail. Steve Saleh has done a sterling job on this range once again and it will be fun to see what people do with them.

As I mentioned earlier, whilst I think these miniatures are great for Historical wargamers, they also open up interesting options for slightly more mythical encounters on the tabletop too. If you combine this with the Ziggurat collection then you've got some great miniatures for battling during the Bronze Age and also throwing a few tasty Fantasy morsels into the mix.

Are you tempted by this new range of Rome releases?

"Steve Saleh has done a sterling job on this range once again..."

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